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Surface modification with oxygen doping of g-C3N4 nanoparticles by carbon vacancy for efficient dehydrogenation of sodium borohydride in methanol
Fuel ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122444
Cafer Saka 1

g-C3N4, which is used in different catalytic activities, was applied to the H2 field from NaBH4 methanolysis for the first time in this study. The development of g-C3N4 is necessary to make it a viable alternative to the heterogeneous catalysts currently used in this field. The g-C3N4 used in this study contains both carbon vacancies and oxygen doping atoms. Compared to the g-C3N4 catalyst, the O doped g-C3N4 catalyst obtained showed an approximately 3.4-fold improvement in H2 production. The HGR value obtained with O doped g-C3N4 (5 mg) was 10800 ml min−1 g−1. The structural properties of the obtained catalysts were characterized by XPS, SEM-EDX, TEM, FTIR, Raman, BET and XRD analyses. These analyses showed significant changes for O doped g-C3N4. The activation energy obtained for O doped g-C3N4 was approximately 36.13 kJ mol−1.


通过碳空位对 g-C3N4 纳米粒子进行氧掺杂表面改性,以实现硼氢化钠在甲醇中的高效脱氢

本研究首次将用于不同催化活性的gC 3 N 4应用于NaBH 4甲醇分解的H 2场。gC 3 N 4的开发对于使其成为该领域目前使用的多相催化剂的可行替代品是必要的。本研究中使用的 gC 3 N 4包含碳空位和氧掺杂原子。与gC 3 N 4催化剂相比,所获得的O掺杂的gC 3 N 4催化剂在H 2方面表现出大约3.4倍的改进生产。用O掺杂的gC 3 N 4 (5mg)获得的HGR值为10800 ml min -1 g -1。通过XPS、SEM-EDX、TEM、FTIR、拉曼、BET和XRD分析表征了所得催化剂的结构性质。这些分析显示了O掺杂的gC 3 N 4 的显着变化。O掺杂的gC 3 N 4获得的活化能约为36.13 kJ mol -1
