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Materials Chemistry of Neural Interface Technologies and Recent Advances in Three-Dimensional Systems
Chemical Reviews ( IF 51.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-05 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c00639
Yoonseok Park 1 , Ted S Chung 1, 2 , Geumbee Lee 1 , John A Rogers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Advances in materials chemistry and engineering serve as the basis for multifunctional neural interfaces that span length scales from individual neurons to neural networks, neural tissues, and complete neural systems. Such technologies exploit electrical, electrochemical, optical, and/or pharmacological modalities in sensing and neuromodulation for fundamental studies in neuroscience research, with additional potential to serve as routes for monitoring and treating neurodegenerative diseases and for rehabilitating patients. This review summarizes the essential role of chemistry in this field of research, with an emphasis on recently published results and developing trends. The focus is on enabling materials in diverse device constructs, including their latest utilization in 3D bioelectronic frameworks formed by 3D printing, self-folding, and mechanically guided assembly. A concluding section highlights key challenges and future directions.



材料化学和工程方面的进步是多功能神经接口的基础,其长度尺度从单个神经元到神经网络、神经组织和完整的神经系统。此类技术利用传感和神经调节中的电学、电化学、光学和/或药理学方式进行神经科学研究的基础研究,并具有作为监测和治疗神经退行性疾病和康复患者的途径的额外潜力。本综述总结了化学在该研究领域中的重要作用,重点介绍了最近发表的结果和发展趋势。重点是在各种设备结构中启用材料,包括它们在由 3D 打印、自折叠、和机械引导的组装。结论部分强调了主要挑战和未来方向。