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Pd Nanoparticles Loaded on CoAlCe Layered Double Oxide Nanosheets for Phenol Hydrogenation
ACS Applied Nano Materials ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-11-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acsanm.1c02398
Haiping Li 1, 2, 3 , Xue Wang 1 , Yanan Liu 1, 2 , Yufei He 1, 2 , Junting Feng 1, 2 , Dianqing Li 1, 2

The catalytic upgrading of phenolic derivatives is vital for the efficient utilization of biomass resources. Herein, we construct a reductive layered double oxide material (CoAlCe-LDO) with the Ce–Co interface and abundant oxygen vacancy (VO) via heat-treating layered double hydroxide (LDH) precursors. The support spontaneous in situ redox method is employed to prepare the supported catalyst using CoAlCe-LDO as a support and reductant. Interestingly, highly dispersed Pd nanoparticles prefer to distribute at the contact edge of the Ce–Co interface. Pd2+ is successfully reduced to Pd0 by the reductive Co/Ce sites. Due to the redox reaction between the support and Pd species, a strong metal–support interaction is introduced. The Pd/CoAlCe-LDO catalyst shows high activity for phenol hydrogenation under mild conditions and a low molar ratio of Pd to phenol. The kinetic study suggests that the highly dispersed Pd sites could preferably activate H2 molecules, thereby boosting the rapid phenol hydrogenation.


负载在 CoAlCe 层状双氧化物纳米片上的 Pd 纳米颗粒用于苯酚加氢

酚类衍生物的催化升级对于生物质资源的有效利用至关重要。在此,我们通过热处理层状双氢氧化物 (LDH) 前驱体构建了具有 Ce-Co 界面和丰富氧空位 (V O )的还原层状双氧化物材料 (CoAlCe-LDO) 。以CoAlCe-LDO为载体和还原剂,采用载体自发原位氧化还原法制备负载型催化剂。有趣的是,高度分散的 Pd 纳米粒子更喜欢分布在 Ce-Co 界面的接触边缘。Pd 2+成功还原为 Pd 0通过还原 Co/Ce 位点。由于载体和 Pd 物种之间的氧化还原反应,引入了强烈的金属-载体相互作用。Pd/CoAlCe-LDO 催化剂在温和条件下和低 Pd 与苯酚的摩尔比下显示出高的苯酚加氢活性。动力学研究表明,高度分散的 Pd 位点可以优先激活 H 2分子,从而促进苯酚的快速氢化。