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Rosin-Based Si/P-Containing Flame Retardant Toward Enhanced Fire Safety Polyurethane Foam
Advanced Engineering Materials ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-31 , DOI: 10.1002/adem.202101044
Shibo Wang 1 , Penghao Sun 2 , Xu Xu 2 , He Liu 1 , Dan Wang 1 , Xujuan Huang 3

Environmentally friendly flame retardant such as polysiloxane has long been sought for varied studies in recent years and can be further improved to overcome the challenges of additional applications. Herein, a novel synergistic-effect flame retardant containing Si and P is synthesized. Si-P containing flame retardant (DOPO-MGSO) is then added into a network to fabricate rigid polyurethane foam via a one-step process. The bio-renewable resource maleopimaric acid (MPA) impedes conversion of the cyclic siloxane, thereby enhancing the compactness of the silica layer in condensed phase. Furthermore, the DOPO groups quench free radicals in the gas phase. Compared with the unmodified sample, the limiting oxygen index of the modified foam increases from 17.1% to 25.2%. Moreover, CONE tests show that the peak heat release rate decreases from 260.1 to 136.2 kW m−1 (close to 50%) after modification. Importantly, the generation of silica-rich char significantly reduces the total smoke release (decrease from 1154.4 to 715.9 m2 m−2). In addition, the improvement of compressive strength benefits from the MPA rigid ring.



近年来,聚硅氧烷等环保型阻燃剂长期以来一直在进行各种研究,并且可以进一步改进以克服其他应用的挑战。在此,合成了一种新型的含有Si和P的协同效应阻燃剂。然后将含 Si-P 的阻燃剂 (DOPO-MGSO) 添加到网络中,通过一步法制造硬质聚氨酯泡沫。生物可再生资源马来海松酸 (MPA) 阻碍了环状硅氧烷的转化,从而提高了凝聚相二氧化硅层的致密性。此外,DOPO 基团可淬灭气相中的自由基。与未改性样品相比,改性泡沫的极限氧指数从17.1%提高到25.2%。此外,CONE 测试表明,峰值热释放率从 260.1 降低到 136。-1(接近 50%)修改后。重要的是,富含二氧化硅的炭的产生显着降低了总的烟雾释放量(从 1154.4 减少到 715.9 m 2  m -2)。此外,抗压强度的提高得益于 MPA 刚性环。