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Revisiting Nasser Style Pan-Arabism and Pan-Africanism Prompted by the Abraham Accords
Insight on Africa ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-28 , DOI: 10.1177/09750878211048161
Glen Segell 1

The Abraham Accords signed in September 2020 between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain was followed by ties between Israel and the African states of Sudan and Morocco. These were all unique with the common link and timing apparently only the broker American President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign. Looking deeper reveals another common element that is a shift in regional strategic dynamics both at ideological and strategic fronts. This prompts revisiting the Nasser style Pan-Arab and Pan-African ideologies in the context of the current unfolding situation. A primary finding is that government-to-government negotiations to establish multi-lateral forum based on ideological movements rarely achieve this and even when they do such forum tend to debate rather than act. Only with popular and grassroots support can ideological movements bring change and achieve objectives. Such lessons applied to the Abraham Accords, that is a different style of Pan-Arabism and Pan-Africanism, but also top–down at its origins, might lead to an evolution of a different kind of domestic and regional ambiance. The structure of the article is to provide definitions, then discuss the role of leaders, the distinct differences in geography and demography, revisit Nasser style Pan-Africanism, revisit Nasser style Pan-Arabism, and discuss the Qaddafi continuum of the Nasser style ideologies. The academic contributions giving new insight to Africa are the examination of the role of individual leaders and hegemonic leadership, and the shifts and evolution of ideologies where outcomes are not necessarily the desired ones or enduring.



以色列与阿拉伯联合酋长国和巴林于 2020 年 9 月签署了亚伯拉罕协议,随后以色列与非洲国家苏丹和摩洛哥之间建立了关系。这些都是独一无二的,共同的联系和时间显然只有经纪人美国总统唐纳德特朗普的竞选连任。深入研究揭示了另一个共同因素,即意识形态和战略前沿的地区战略动态变化。这促使人们在当前不断发展的形势下重新审视纳赛尔式的泛阿拉伯和泛非意识形态。一个主要发现是,建立基于意识形态运动的多边论坛的政府间谈判很少实现这一点,即使他们这样做,这种论坛也倾向于辩论而不是行动。只有得到民众和基层的支持,意识形态运动才能带来变革并实现目标。这些教训适用于亚伯拉罕协议,即泛阿拉伯主义和泛非主义的不同风格,但也是自上而下的起源,可能会导致不同类型的国内和地区氛围的演变。文章的结构是提供定义,然后讨论领导人的角色,地理和人口的明显差异,重温纳赛尔式泛非主义,重温纳赛尔式泛阿拉伯主义,并讨论纳赛尔式意识形态的卡扎菲连续体。为非洲提供新见解的学术贡献是对个别领导人和霸权领导作用的研究,以及意识形态的转变和演变,其中结果不一定是理想的或持久的。
