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Vi snakker sådan: An analysis of the Danish discourse-pragmatic marker sådan
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-28 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586521000159
Christian Schoning 1 , Jørn Helder 2 , Chloé Diskin-Holdaway 3

The last three decades have witnessed increasing interest in discourse-pragmatic markers (DPMs), both with regards to their high frequency in spoken discourse and their multifunctionality in interaction. Most studies have centered on English, with studies on Danish restricted to a handful of previous interactional discourse analyses. This paper is a preliminary investigation of the Danish word sådan (commonly glossed as ‘such’ or ‘like this/that’). A qualitative, form-based, discourse analytic approach is undertaken on over 40 minutes of naturally occurring Danish talk to argue that sådan qualifies as a DPM. In service of textual, subjective, and intersubjective macro-functions, sådan illustrates; exemplifies; marks hesitation; approximates a quantity; mitigates, hedges, or softens; and allows self-correction or self-repair. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for sådan’s place in the Danish DPM system and our understanding of DPMs across languages.


Vi snakker sådan:对丹麦文语用标记 sådan 的分析

在过去的三十年里,人们对语篇语用标记 (DPM) 的兴趣越来越大,因为它们在口语语篇中的高频出现以及它们在交互中的多功能性。大多数研究都集中在英语上,而对丹麦语的研究仅限于少数先前的互动话语分析。本文是对丹麦语单词sådan(通常缩写为“such”或“like this/that”)的初步调查。对 40 多分钟的自然发生的丹麦语谈话采用定性的、基于形式的话语分析方法来论证sådan有资格成为 DPM。sådan服务于文本的、主观的和主体间的宏观功能说明; 举例说明;标记犹豫;近似一个数量;减轻、对冲或软化;并允许自我纠正或自我修复。这些发现讨论了它们对sådan在丹麦 DPM 系统中的地位的影响以及我们对跨语言 DPM 的理解。
