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Beyoncé's Super Bowl Spectacles and Choreographies of Black Power in the Movement 4 Black Lives
Dance Research Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-25 , DOI: 10.1017/s0149767721000231
Raquel Monroe

In this article, I argue that the spectacle of American football, and the performance practices of HBCU dance lines birthed within it and seasoned in queer nightclubs, propelled Black “femme-inintiy” from the sidelines to the center of choreographic and discursive practices of Black liberation. I wed queer Black feminism with Yoruba cosmology to analyze three protests instigated during three NFL events in 2016: Beyoncé's Super Bowl performance, the direct actions of Black Lives Matter activists at the Super Bowl, and Assata's Daughters’ protest at the NFL Draft. Ultimately, I theorize the generative potential of spectacle and uplift the organizing and labor of queer Black femmes and gender nonconforming people in the Movement 4 Black Lives.


碧昂丝的超级碗眼镜和运动中的黑人力量编排 4 Black Lives

在这篇文章中,我认为美式足球的奇观,以及 HBCU 舞蹈台词的表演实践在其中诞生并在酷儿夜总会中久经考验,将黑人的“女性气质”从场边推向了黑人舞蹈和话语实践的中心解放。我将酷儿黑人女权主义与约鲁巴宇宙学结合起来,分析了 2016 年三场 NFL 赛事中引发的三场抗议活动:碧昂丝的超级碗表演、超级碗中黑人生命问题活动家的直接行动,以及阿萨塔的女儿们在 NFL 选秀中的抗议。最终,我将奇观的生成潜力理论化,并提升了运动 4 Black Lives 中酷儿黑人女性和性别不合格者的组织和劳动。