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Examining the Role of Domain-General Skills in Mathematics Learning and Intervention Response in Kindergarten
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-23 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12267
Lina Shanley 1 , Ben Clarke 1 , Keith Smolkowski 2 , Christian T. Doabler 3 , Evangeline C. Kurtz‐Nelson 4 , Hank Fien 5

Effective early mathematics instruction is critical to support long-term mathematics achievement. Given that student response to typical instruction varies, a range of mathematics interventions have been developed to support foundational mathematics development. However, not all students respond to these interventions. To better understand factors associated with intervention response, the current study explored how domain general cognitive skills were associated with intervention response for 621 kindergarten students with or at risk for mathematics difficulties. Results indicated that although domain general skills were associated with mathematics achievement, there was no evidence of differential response to intervention based on cognitive skills. When examining differences while holding initial mathematics skill constant, there was a non-significant, but potentially important pattern of students with higher domain general skills demonstrating greater mathematics gains as a result of intervention participation. Implications for mathematics intervention and curriculum development, including potentially impactful instructional approaches and cognitive scaffolds are discussed.



有效的早期数学教学对于支持长期的数学成就至关重要。鉴于学生对典型教学的反应各不相同,因此开发了一系列数学干预措施来支持基础数学发展。然而,并非所有学生都对这些干预措施作出反应。为了更好地了解与干预反应相关的因素,本研究探讨了领域一般认知技能如何与 621 名有数学困难或有数学困难风险的幼儿园学生的干预反应相关联。结果表明,虽然领域通用技能与数学成绩相关,但没有证据表明对基于认知技能的干预的不同反应。在保持初始数学技能不变的情况下检查差异时,有一种不显着但潜在重要的模式,即具有较高领域一般技能的学生由于参与干预而表现出更大的数学收益。讨论了对数学干预和课程开发的影响,包括具有潜在影响的教学方法和认知支架。