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Exergetic port-Hamiltonian systems: modelling basics
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13873954.2021.1979592
Markus Lohmayer 1 , Paul Kotyczka 2 , Sigrid Leyendecker 1


Port-Hamiltonian systems theory provides a structured approach to modelling, optimization and control of multiphysical systems. Yet, its relationship to thermodynamics seems to be unclear. The Hamiltonian is traditionally thought of as energy, although its meaning is exergy. This insight yields benefits: 1. Links to the GENERIC structure are identified, making it relatively easy to borrow ideas from a popular nonequilibrium thermodynamics framework. 2. The port-Hamiltonian structure combined with a bond-graph syntax is expected to become a main ingredient in thermodynamic optimization methods akin to exergy analysis and beyond. The intuitive nature of exergy and diagrammatic language facilitates interdisciplinary communication that is necessary for implementing sustainable energy systems and processes. Port-Hamiltonian systems are cyclo-passive, meaning that a power-balance equation immediately follows from their definition. For exergetic port-Hamiltonian systems, cyclo-passivity is synonymous with degradation of energy and follows from the first and the second law of thermodynamics being encoded as structural properties.


Exergetic port-Hamiltonian 系统:建模基础


哈密​​尔顿港系统理论为多物理系统的建模、优化和控制提供了一种结构化的方法。然而,它与热力学的关系似乎还不清楚。哈密​​顿量传统上被认为是能量,尽管它的意思是火用。这种见解产生了好处: 1. 确定了与 GENERIC 结构的链接,从而可以相对容易地从流行的非平衡热力学框架中借用想法。2. port-Hamiltonian 结构结合键图句法有望成为类似于火用分析等的热力学优化方法的主要成分。火用和图解语言的直观性质促进了跨学科交流,这对于实施可持续能源系统和过程是必不可少的。哈密​​尔顿港系统是循环被动的,这意味着从它们的定义中可以直接得出一个功率平衡方程。对于活跃的哈密尔顿系统,环被动性是能量退化的同义词,并且遵循被编码为结构特性的热力学第一和第二定律。
