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Briefing: Contextualizing the Bobi Wine factor in Uganda’s 2021 elections
African Affairs ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-20 , DOI: 10.1093/afraf/adab024
Sam Wilkins , Richard Vokes , Moses Khisa

A year out from the 2021 ugandan election, opposition supporters had a lot to worry about. After four straight presidential elections in which the non-incumbent vote was remarkably concentrated in the candidacy of Kizza Besigye of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), political developments were suggesting that this coalescence would not survive into the upcoming campaign season. At the centre of the FDC, Besigye’s long-time rival for the party nomination, Mugisha Muntu, finally concluded that his differences in approach with Besigye’s faction were too significant to be housed in one party, breaking off to form the Alliance for National Transformation with a few of his factional...


简报:在乌干达 2021 年选举中将波比葡萄酒因素纳入背景

距离 2021 年乌干达大选还有一年,反对派支持者有很多事情要担心。在连续四次总统选举中,非现任投票明显集中在民主变革论坛 (FDC) 的 Kizza Besigye 的候选资格上,政治发展表明这种联合将无法持续到即将到来的竞选季节。在 FDC 的中心,Besigye 在党内提名的长期竞争对手 Mugisha Muntu 最终得出结论,他与 Besigye 派系在态度上的分歧太大而不能归入一个党派,因此分裂为国家转型联盟他的几个派系……