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Opening organizational learning in crisis management: On the affordances of social media
The Journal of Strategic Information Systems ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2021.101692
Kathrin Eismann 1 , Oliver Posegga 1 , Kai Fischbach 1

Research on the role of social media in crisis management has led to a deeper understanding of their affordances. This research, however, is fragmented, with a primary focus on crisis response. We lack a clear conceptualization of the affordances that social media offer by learning from them to prepare strategically for crises. Based on a systematic review of 128 papers, we inductively build a framework of social media affordances for organizational learning in crisis management. We discuss their role and interplay in strategic crisis management, focusing on organizational crisis learning, and outline avenues for future research based on this foundation.



对社交媒体在危机管理中的作用的研究使人们对其可供性有了更深入的了解。然而,这项研究是分散的,主要关注危机应对。我们缺乏对社交媒体通过向它们学习以战略性地为危机做准备而提供的可供性的清晰概念。基于对 128 篇论文的系统回顾,我们归纳构建了一个社交媒体可供性框架,用于危机管理中的组织学习。我们讨论了它们在战略危机管理中的作用和相互作用,重点是组织危机学习,并在此基础上概述了未来研究的途径。
