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Concerning variation in encoding spatial motion: Evidence from Finnish
Nordic Journal of Linguistics ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-11 , DOI: 10.1017/s0332586521000202
Emilia Tuuri 1

This article describes variation in the use of frames of reference (FoRs; object-centred, viewpoint-centred, and geocentric, as in Holistic Spatial Semantics) in Finnish descriptions of motion and connects questions of variation to a typological framework. Recent research has described the choice of FoRs as a process with multiple factors. This complexity and controlling for the main variables posited in the literature create the starting point for the current study that explores factors affecting the choice of FoRs in motion situations and within speakers of the same language. The data were elicited from 50 native speakers of Finnish by using video stimuli. The informants were (mostly) formally educated young adults living in urban surroundings. The analysis reveals considerable variation in individual coding strategies, especially in the inclusion of the speaker’s viewpoint. It also considers variation with respect to different types of trajectories and cross-linguistic differences in the resources of spatial reference.



本文描述了参照系(FoR;以对象为中心、以视点为中心和以地为中心,如整体空间语义) 在芬兰语中对运动的描述,并将变化问题与类型学框架联系起来。最近的研究将 FoR 的选择描述为一个包含多个因素的过程。这种复杂性和对文献中提出的主要变量的控制为当前的研究创造了起点,该研究探索了在运动情况下和同一语言的说话者中影响 FoR 选择的因素。这些数据是通过使用视频刺激从 50 名芬兰语母语者那里获得的。受访者(大部分)是生活在城市环境中的受过正规教育的年轻人。分析揭示了个体编码策略的相当大的差异,尤其是在说话者观点的包含方面。
