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On the power of lookahead in single-player PuyoPuyo
ICGA Journal ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-06 , DOI: 10.3233/icg-210189
Yasuhiko Takenaga 1 , Sho Kikuchi 1 , Hushan Quan 1

PuyoPuyo is one of the Tetris-type games, which is dealt with as a single-player game in this paper. The player has a winning strategy if the player can keep playing the game infinitely on a gameboard of a constant height. In this paper, we consider how lookahead of input pieces affects the existence of winning strategies in PuyoPuyo, and show conditions that the player cannot win even with lookahead. First, we show the number of colors sufficient to make the player lose on the gameboard of width w when the number of lookahead pieces is m. Next, we show that ten and twenty-six colors are sufficient to make the player lose on the gameboards of width two and three, respectively, no matter how large the number of lookahead pieces is.


论单人游戏 PuyoPuyo 中前瞻的力量

PuyoPuyo 是俄罗斯方块类游戏之一,本文将其作为单人游戏处理。如果玩家可以在恒定高度的游戏板上无限地玩游戏,那么玩家就有了获胜策略。在本文中,我们考虑了输入棋子的前瞻如何影响 PuyoPuyo 中获胜策略的存在,并展示了玩家即使有前瞻也无法获胜的条件。首先,当先行棋子的数量为 m 时,我们展示了足以让玩家在宽度为 w 的游戏板上输掉的颜色数量。接下来,我们证明无论前瞻棋子的数量有多大,十种颜色和二十六种颜色都足以使玩家分别在宽度为 2 和宽度为 3 的棋盘上输掉比赛。