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Palladium/Ferrierite versus Palladium/SSZ-13 Passive NOx Adsorbers: Adsorbate-Controlled Location of Atomically Dispersed Palladium(II) in Ferrierite Determines High Activity and Stability**
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-10-07 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202107554
Konstantin Khivantsev 1 , Xinyi Wei 2 , Libor Kovarik 1 , Nicholas R Jaegers 1 , Eric D Walter 1 , Pascaline Tran 2 , Yong Wang 1, 3 , János Szanyi 1

Palladium ions in ferrierite zeolite (present majorly as PdII-OH/1Al sites after 550 °C air calcination) re-disperse after air calcination at 800 °C as predominantly PdII/2Al sites for 1.9 wt % Pd/H-FER with a Si/Al ratio of 10:1. The resulting material shows excellent nitric oxide adsorption properties as well as high hydrothermal stability up to 800 °C.


钯/镁碱沸石与钯/SSZ-13 被动 NOx 吸附剂:原子分散钯 (II) 在镁碱沸石中的吸附物控制位置决定了高活性和稳定性**

镁碱沸石中的钯离子(在 550 °C 空气煅烧后主要以 Pd II -OH/1Al 位点存在)在 800 °C 空气煅烧后重新分散,在1.9 wt% Pd/H-FER 中主要以 Pd II /2Al 位点的形式存在硅/铝比为 10:1。所得材料显示出优异的一氧化氮吸附性能以及高达 800 °C 的高水热稳定性。