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The Analyst’s Vision of the Patient and the Dialectic of Interpretation
Psychoanalytic Social Work ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/15228878.2021.1942936
Frank Summers 1


Often neglected in analytic discourse is the fact that the analyst inevitably forms a vision of the patient. Loewald was a lone voice in illuminating the fact that the analyst could not treat the patient without a vision of who she could become. The thesis of this paper is that inherent in the analyst’s vision of the patient is a dialectic of discovery and creation. Because the analyst’s vision is inherently limited by the phase of the analysis, it will be disrupted by the evolution of the analytic material. The analyst’s vision will be transformed initiating a dialectical process between the development of the analytic process and the analyst’s vision. This vision is always predicated on what has been seen in the analysis and who the patient may yet become. Because this vision guides the interpretive process the dialectic of vision is the dialectic of interpretation,




在分析性话语中经常被忽视的事实是,分析师不可避免地形成了对患者的看法。Loewald 是一个孤独的声音,它阐明了一个事实,即分析师无法在没有愿景的情况下治疗患者。本文的论点是,分析师对患者的看法内在是一种发现和创造的辩证法。因为分析师的视野在本质上受到分析阶段的限制,它会被分析材料的演变打乱。分析师的视野将被转换,在分析过程的发展和分析师的视野之间启动一个辩证的过程。这种愿景总是基于分析中看到的内容以及患者可能会成为什么样的人。
