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Analysing the relationship between tone and melody in Chaozhou songs
Journal of New Music Research ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-27 , DOI: 10.1080/09298215.2021.1974490
Xi Zhang 1 , Ian Cross 1

This paper uses corpus analysis to explore relationships between tone and melody in folk and contemporary songs in Chaozhou, a Chinese dialect with eight lexical tones and a wealth of tone sandhi. Results suggest that: (1) there is a high degree of correspondence between tone and melody in Chaozhou song; (2) tone sandhi influences tone-melody correspondence; (3) tones realised in context can be categorised into high-, mid-, and low-pitch groups according to the tone-pitch extreme rather than final pitch; (4) when single tones are performed melismatically across groups of notes, relationships between initial notes of successive groups shapes tone-melody matching.



本文通过语料分析,探讨潮州民歌和现代歌曲的声调与旋律之间的关系,潮州方言是八声调、变调丰富的方言。结果表明:(1)潮州歌的音调与旋律具有高度的对应性;(2)调式和调影响音调对应;(3)上下文中实现的音色根据音高的极端而不是最终的音高可分为高、中、低三类;(4) 当单音在多组音符上以优美的方式演奏时,连续组的初始音符之间的关系形成了音调匹配。
