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‘To the benefit of Africa, the world, and ourselves’: The American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa (ANLCA) Mission to Nigeria, 1966–1968
Journal of Global History ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-24 , DOI: 10.1017/s1740022821000292
James Austin Farquharson 1

Far from having only marginal significance and generating a ‘subdued’ response among African Americans, as some historians have argued, the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970) collided at full velocity with the conflicting discourses and ideas by which Black Americans sought to understand their place in the United States and the world in the late 1960s. One of the most significant aspects of African American engagement with the civil war was the American Negro Leadership Conference on Africa peace mission that sought to bring the Federal Military Government of Nigeria and the secessionist leadership of the Republic of Biafra together through the mediation of some of the leading Black civil rights leaders in the United States. Through the use of untapped primary sources, this article will reveal that while the mission was primarily focused on finding a just solution to the internecine struggle, it also intersected with broader domestic and international crosscurrents.


“为了非洲、世界和我们自己的利益”:1966-1968 年美国黑人非洲领导人会议 (ANLCA) 尼日利亚代表团

正如一些历史学家所说,尼日利亚内战(1967-1970 年)与黑人试图理解他们的冲突的话语和想法全速相撞,这远非仅在非裔美国人中具有微不足道的意义并在非裔美国人中产生“低调”的反应。 1960 年代后期在美国和世界上占有一席之地。非洲裔美国人参与内战的最重要方面之一是美国黑人领导非洲和平使命会议,该会议旨在通过一些调解人的调解,将尼日利亚联邦政府和比夫拉共和国的分裂主义领导人聚集在一起。美国领先的黑人民权领袖。通过使用未开发的主要资源,
