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“When I came to the US”
Narrative Inquiry ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-12 , DOI: 10.1075/ni.19088.wan
Ping-Hsuan Wang

From a social constructionist perspective, this study examines three gay Indian immigrants’ coming-out narratives as the locus of the discursive construction of both one’s physical and social location within the changing context. It advocates reconceptualizing “coming out” as dynamic and situated in interaction. Also, it investigates the intersection and construction of identities by analyzing coming-out narratives in sociolinguistic interviews conducted in Washington, DC. Drawing on Bamberg’s three levels of positioning (1997), the analysis highlights how narrators bring about their identities as they contrast the social constructs in India, i.e., the absence of such concept, and in the US, e.g., the acceptance of homosexuality, by reenacting dialogue before and after migration. This study adds to positioning theory and contributes to the cross-cultural dimension of research on coming-out narratives. The qualitative analysis also provides a linguistic perspective that views narrating coming out as an interactive process for constructing intersected identities.



从社会建构主义的角度,本研究考察了三个同性恋印度移民的出柜叙事,作为在不断变化的背景下对一个人的物理和社会位置进行话语建构的场所。它主张将“出柜”重新定义为动态的和处于互动中的。此外,它还通过分析在华盛顿特区进行的社会语言学访谈中出现的叙述来调查身份的交叉和构建。借鉴 Bamberg 的三个层次定位(1997),分析强调了叙述者如何在对比印度的社会结构(即缺乏这种概念)和美国(例如,接受同性恋)时带来他们的身份。在迁移之前和之后重新进行对话。这项研究增加了定位理论,并有助于研究出柜叙事的跨文化维度。定性分析还提供了一种语言学视角,将叙述的出现视为构建交叉身份的互动过程。