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The first ‘Soviet type’ research institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and its Stalin Prize-awarded director, Imre Szörényi
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2021.0010
Ferenc Orosz 1 , Miklós Müller 2

The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS, established in 1825), similar to the academies of the old Soviet bloc, ran a research network from 1950 until 2019 when it was detached from the Academy. The first research institute of the HAS was the Institute of Biochemistry, which started its operation in 1950. Its first director was Imre Szörényi (1905–1959) who lived in emigration in Kiev until he was called back to Hungary in 1950 by the Secretariat of the Hungarian Workers Party. Initially, for a few years research in the Institute was partly influenced by Lepeshinskaya's ‘New Cell Theory’ and Szörényi himself became the chair of the ‘Living Protein’ Committee of the HAS. He returned for more than two years to Kiev where he received a shared Stalin Prize in 1952 for the development of the antibiotic, Microcid. After his final return to Hungary in 1953, he was able to shape the characteristic image of the Institute of Biochemistry, making it one of the leading workshops of Hungarian biochemistry. From 1956 onwards, ideological considerations no longer interfered with the choice of research topics. The relationship between the chemical structure and the specific biological function of enzymes became the main profile of the Institute. In spite of his untimely death, Szörényi exerted a long-lasting influence on Hungarian biochemistry through his disciples.


匈牙利科学院第一个“苏联式”研究所及其获得斯大林奖的所长 Imre Szörényi

匈牙利科学院(HAS,成立于 1825 年)与旧苏联集团的学院类似,从 1950 年到 2019 年从科学院分离出来一直运行着一个研究网络。HAS 的第一个研究所是生物化学研究所,该研究所于 1950 年开始运作。它的第一任主任是 Imre Szörényi(1905-1959),他在基辅移民,直到 1950 年被秘书处召回匈牙利匈牙利工人党。最初,研究所的几年研究部分受到了 Lepeshinskaya 的“新细胞理论”的影响,Szörényi 本人成为了 HAS 的“活蛋白”委员会主席。他回到基辅两年多了,在那里他因开发抗生素 Microcid 于 1952 年获得了共同的斯大林奖。1953 年最后一次回到匈牙利后,他塑造了生物化学研究所的特色形象,使其成为匈牙利生物化学的领先研究所之一。从1956年起,意识形态的考虑不再干扰研究课题的选择。酶的化学结构与特定生物学功能之间的关系成为该研究所的主要概况。尽管他英年早逝,但 Szörényi 通过他的弟子对匈牙利生物化学产生了深远的影响。酶的化学结构与特定生物学功能之间的关系成为该研究所的主要概况。尽管他英年早逝,但 Szörényi 通过他的弟子对匈牙利生物化学产生了深远的影响。酶的化学结构与特定生物学功能之间的关系成为该研究所的主要概况。尽管他英年早逝,但 Szörényi 通过他的弟子对匈牙利生物化学产生了深远的影响。
