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David Gregory's manuscript ‘Isaaci Neutoni Methodus fluxionum’ (1694): A study on the early publication of Newton's discoveries on calculus
Notes and Records ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-06-30 , DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2021.0013
Niccolò Guicciardini 1

David Gregory's manuscript ‘Isaaci Neutoni methodus fluxionum’ is the first systematic presentation of the method of fluxions written by somebody other than Newton. It was penned in 1694, when Gregory was the Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford. I provide information about its content, sources and circulation. This short treatise reveals what Newton allowed to be known about his method in the mid-1690s. Further, it sheds light upon Gregory's views on how Newton's mathematical innovations related to the work of other mathematicians, both British and Continental. This paper demonstrates two things. First, it proves that Newton, far from being—as often stated—wholly isolated and reluctant to publish the method of fluxions, belonged to a network of mathematicians who were made aware of his discoveries. Second, it shows that Gregory—very much as other Scottish mathematicians such as George Cheyne and John Craig—received Newton's fluxional method within a tradition that was independent from England and that, before getting in touch with Newton, had assimilated elements of the calculi developed on the Continent.


David Gregory 的手稿“Isaac Neutoni Methodus Fluxionum”(1694 年):关于早期发表牛顿微积分发现的研究

David Gregory 的手稿“Isaac Neutoni methodusfluxionum”是第一次系统介绍由牛顿以外的人撰写的通量方法。它写于 1694 年,当时格雷戈里是牛津大学的萨维尔天文学教授。我提供有关其内容、来源和发行量的信息。这篇简短的论文揭示了牛顿在 1690 年代中期允许人们了解他的方法的内容。此外,它阐明了格雷戈里关于牛顿的数学创新如何与英国和大陆其他数学家的工作相关的观点。这篇论文展示了两件事。首先,它证明了牛顿远非——正如人们常说的——完全孤立并且不愿发表通量方法,而是属于一个了解他的发现的数学家网络。第二,
