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“When You’re a Star”: The Unnamed Wrong of Sexual Degradation
The Georgetown Law Journal Pub Date : 2021-02-01
Daniel Maggen

The #MeToo movement is often criticized for its conflation of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and offensive but not legally actionable behavior. This objection is often accompanied by criticism of #MeToo’s failure to adhere to the legal paradigms that inform sexual assault and harassment, presumably setting back the efforts to advance them. Finally, the #MeToo movement is often faulted for its failure to accord those it accuses with the procedural safeguards of due process.



#MeToo 运动经常因将性侵犯、性骚扰和冒犯性但在法律上不可行的行为混为一谈而受到批评。这种反对意见往往伴随着对#MeToo 未能遵守告知性侵犯和骚扰的法律范式的批评,这可能会阻碍推动它们的努力。最后,#MeToo 运动经常因未能让其指责的人获得正当程序的程序保障而受到指责。