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Metallic, metal oxide, and metalloid nanoparticles toxic effects on freshwater microcrustaceans: An update and basis for the use of new test species
Water Environment Research Pub Date : 2021-09-01 , DOI: 10.1002/wer.1637
María Florencia Gutierrez 1, 2 , Analía Ale 1 , Victoria Andrade 1 , Carla Bacchetta 1 , Andrea Rossi 1, 3 , Jimena Cazenave 1, 3

In this article, we performed a literature review on the metallic, metal oxide, and metalloid nanoparticles (NP) effects on freshwater microcrustaceans, specifically focusing on (i) the main factors influencing the NP toxicity and (ii) their main ecotoxicological effects. Also, given that most studies are currently developed on the standard test species Daphnia magna Straus, we analyzed (iii) the potential differences in the biological responses between D. magna and other freshwater microcrustacean, and (iv) the ecological implications of considering only D. magna as surrogate of other microcrustaceans. We found that NP effects on microcrustaceans depended on their intrinsic properties as well as the exposure conditions. Among the general responses to different NP, we identified body burial, feeding inhibition, biochemical effects, metabolic changes, and reproductive and behavioral alterations. The differences in the biological responses between D. magna and other freshwater microcrustacean rely on the morphology (size and shape), ecological traits (feeding mechanisms, life cycles), and intrinsic sensitivities. Thus, we strongly recommend the use of microcrustaceans species with different morphological, physiological, and ecological characteristics in future ecotoxicity tests with NP to provide relevant information with regulation purposes regarding the discharge of NP into aquatic environments.



在本文中,我们对金属、金属氧化物和准金属纳米粒子 (NP) 对淡水微甲壳动物的影响进行了文献综述,特别关注 (i) 影响 NP 毒性的主要因素和 (ii) 它们的主要生态毒理学效应。此外,由于大多数研究是当前在标准测试种类开发水蚤斯特劳斯,我们分析(三)之间的生物反应的电位差D.麦格纳和其他淡水microcrustacean,以及(iv)只考虑生态影响d . 麦格纳作为其他微型甲壳动物的替代品。我们发现 NP 对微甲壳动物的影响取决于它们的内在特性以及暴露条件。在对不同 NP 的一般反应中,我们确定了尸体埋葬、进食抑制、生化效应、代谢变化以及生殖和行为改变。D. magna生物反应的差异和其他淡水微甲壳动物依赖于形态(大小和形状)、生态特征(摄食机制、生命周期)和内在敏感性。因此,我们强烈建议在未来的 NP 生态毒性测试中使用具有不同形态、生理和生态特征的微型甲壳类动物,以提供有关 NP 向水生环境排放的监管目的的相关信息。