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Persistent Organic White-Emitting Afterglow from Ultralong Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence and Room-Temperature Phosphorescence
Advanced Optical Materials ( IF 8.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-09-02 , DOI: 10.1002/adom.202101075
Yaguang Wang 1 , Qikun Sun 1 , Lingtai Yue 1 , Jie Ma 1 , Shou Yuan 1 , Danfeng Liu 1 , Haichang Zhang 1 , Shanfeng Xue 1 , Wenjun Yang 1

The current organic white light emission is unabiding and excited by UV light. This work presents the first ultralong organic room-temperature white-emitting crystal from 2,6-di(carbazol-9-yl)benzonitrile that emits prompt blue light and delayed white light. Impressively, this white afterglow is nondiscoloring and exhibits high photoluminescence (PL) efficiency over 6% and ultralong lifetime over 900 ms and can be excited at wide wavelengths of 300–520 nm. Single-crystal analysis and room- and low-temperature PL reveal that this V-type double D–A molecule can adopt different twisted conformations to pack together and form two kinds of ultralong room-temperature afterglow crystals, and the vertical conformation can greatly reduce the energy gap between the lowest singlet and triplet states and prolong the reverse intersystem crossing to enable persistent and visible-light excitable hybrid white-emitting afterglow consisting of ultralong thermally activated delayed fluorescence and room-temperature phosphorescence.



目前的有机白光发射是不持久的,并被紫外光激发。这项工作展示了第一个来自 2,6-二(咔唑-9-基)苄腈的超长有机室温发白光晶体,可发出瞬发蓝光和延迟白光。令人印象深刻的是,这种白色余辉不变色,具有超过 6% 的高光致发光 (PL) 效率和超过 900 ms 的超长寿命,并且可以在 300-520 nm 的宽波长下激发。单晶分析和室温和低温PL表明,这种V型双D-A分子可以采用不同的扭曲构象堆积在一起,形成两种超长的室温余辉晶体,