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The Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences: Optimal cut-off scores for detecting individuals with a psychotic disorder
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-31 , DOI: 10.1002/mpr.1893
Edo S Jaya 1, 2 , Therese van Amelsvoort 3 , Agna A Bartels-Velthuis 4 , Richard Bruggeman 4, 5 , Wiepke Cahn 6, 7 , Lieuwe de Haan 8, 9 , Rene S Kahn 10, 11 , Jim van Os 6, 12 , Frederike Schirmbeck 8, 9 , Claudia J P Simons 3, 13 , Tania M Lincoln 2

The need for a brief screening tool for psychosis is widely recognized. The Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences (CAPE) is a popular self-report measure of psychosis, but a cut-off score that can detect those most likely to fulfill diagnostic criteria for psychotic disorder is not established.



对精神病的简短筛查工具的需求已得到广泛认可。心理体验社区评估 (CAPE) 是一种流行的精神病自我报告测量方法,但尚未建立能够检测出最有可能满足精神病诊断标准的人的截止分数。