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Organic Matter Supply and Utilization in Oxygen Minimum Zones
Annual Review of Marine Science ( IF 14.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-03 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-marine-041921-090849
Anja Engel 1 , Rainer Kiko 2 , Marcus Dengler 1

Organic matter (OM) plays a significant role in the formation of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) and associated biogeochemical cycling. OM supply processes to the OMZ include physical transport, particle formation, and sinking as well as active transport by migrating zooplankton and nekton. In addition to the availability of oxygen and other electron acceptors, the remineralization rate of OM is controlled by its biochemical quality. Enhanced microbial respiration of OM can induce anoxic microzones in an otherwise oxygenated water column. Reduced OM degradation under low-oxygen conditions, on the other hand, may increase the CO2 storage time in the ocean. Understanding the interdependencies between OM and oxygen cycling is of high relevance for an ocean facing deoxygenation as a consequence of global warming. In this review, we describe OM fluxes into and cycling within two large OMZs associated with eastern boundary upwelling systems that differ greatly in the extent of oxygen loss: the highly oxygen-depleted OMZ in the tropical South Pacific and the moderately hypoxic OMZ in the tropical North Atlantic. We summarize new findings from a large German collaborative research project, Collaborative Research Center 754 (SFB 754), and identify knowledge gaps and future research priorities.



有机质 (OM) 在氧最低区 (OMZ) 的形成和相关的生物地球化学循环中发挥着重要作用。OMZ 的 OM 供应过程包括物理运输、粒子形成和下沉以及通过迁移浮游动物和游生物的主动运输。除了氧气和其他电子受体的可用性外,OM 的再矿化率还受其生化质量控制。OM 的增强的微生物呼吸可以在其他含氧水柱中诱导缺氧微区。另一方面,在低氧条件下减少 OM 降解可能会增加 CO 2在海洋中的储存时间。了解 OM 和氧循环之间的相互依赖关系对于全球变暖导致海洋面临脱氧具有高度相关性。在这篇综述中,我们描述了进入和在两个与东部边界上升流系统相关的大型 OMZ 中循环的 OM 通量,这两个系统的氧损失程度差异很大:热带南太平洋的高度缺氧 OMZ 和热带中度缺氧的 OMZ北大西洋。我们总结了德国大型合作研究项目 754 合作研究中心 (SFB 754) 的新发现,并确定了知识差距和未来的研究重点。
