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Making FAPE Appropriate Now for Students with Learning Disabilities
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-29 , DOI: 10.1111/ldrp.12262
David Scanlon 1 , Mary Beth Calhoon 2 , Sheri Berkeley 3

Since its inception, a premise of special education has been to provide students with disabilities with an appropriate education. The interpretation of appropriate has evolved across eras of special education. For students with learning disabilities, emphases on inclusion and high-stakes achievement have eroded the intention of FAPE. It is time for a re-envisioning of FAPE. A new vision should not presume the same outcomes for all. Restoring goals and individualized curriculum informed by the general education curriculum instead of exclusively focused “in the general education curriculum” is the way forward.


现在让 FAPE 适合有学习障碍的学生

自成立以来,特殊教育的一个前提就是为残疾学生提供适当的教育。对适当的解释在特殊教育的各个时代都发生了演变。对于有学习障碍的学生,对包容性和高风险成就的强调削弱了 FAPE 的意图。现在是重新构想 FAPE 的时候了。一个新的愿景不应假定所有人的结果都相同。恢复通识教育课程指导的目标和个性化课程,而不是仅仅专注于“通识教育课程”是前进的方向。