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Economics ripped from the headlines: The Economist ascourse text
The Journal of Economic Education ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-28 , DOI: 10.1080/00220485.2021.1963366
Rebecca L. Moryl 1


The author of this article presents an innovative economics course based on current events and news, using The Economist as the primary course text. The course constructs shared learning around news in real time to inspire and excite students’ ability to see economics in their world. The course supports Allgood and Bayer’s competencies, including the application of the scientific process to economic phenomena, the ability to analyze and evaluate behavior and outcomes using economic concepts and models, critical thinking about economic methods and their applications, and communicating economic ideas in diverse collaborations. The author provides sample assignments that can be scaffolded by the instructor for implementation of this teaching strategy, as well as advice for replicating this course or adopting some of its techniques.




本文作者介绍了基于时事和新闻的创新经济学课程,使用《经济学人》作为主要课程文本。该课程围绕新闻实时构建共享学习,以激发和激发学生在他们的世界中看待经济学的能力。该课程支持 Allgood 和 Bayer 的能力,包括将科学过程应用于经济现象,使用经济概念和模型分析和评估行为和结果的能力,对经济方法及其应用的批判性思考,以及在各种合作中交流经济思想. 作者提供了教师可以为实施此教学策略提供支架的示例作业,以及复制本课程或采用其中一些技术的建议。
