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Bird-watching TV: getting intimate with wildlife on Planet Earth II
Screen ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjab025 Ben Riggs
Screen ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-25 , DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjab025 Ben Riggs
On a cold, remote island, a huge colony of chinstrap penguins makes its home at the foot of an active volcano. As seen on television in Planet Earth II (BBC, 2016), the dramatic scenery appears treacherous and intimidating, but every day chinstrap parents must venture out into the surrounding water to gather food for their young. From over a million of these penguins, the television camera eventually narrows its focus to one family. While the father is out hunting, the mother penguin stays at the nest, bravely sheltering two chicks from marauding predators. But the chicks need food. In a tight close-up shot, one of the penguin hatchlings looks up at its mother, vulnerable and hungry. ‘Everything will be fine’, presenter David Attenborough portentously narrates, ‘as long as their father comes back soon’.
观鸟电视:与地球上的野生动物亲密接触 II
在一个寒冷而偏远的岛屿上,一大群下颌带企鹅在一座活火山脚下安家。正如《地球二号》(BBC,2016 年)在电视上看到的那样,戏剧性的风景看起来既危险又令人生畏,但每天带下巴的父母必须冒险进入周围的水域,为他们的孩子收集食物。从超过一百万只企鹅中,电视摄像机最终将焦点缩小到一个家庭。爸爸外出打猎时,企鹅妈妈留在巢中,勇敢地保护两只小企鹅免受掠食者的袭击。但是小鸡需要食物。在特写镜头中,一只企鹅幼崽抬头看着它的母亲,脆弱而饥饿。“一切都会好起来的”,主持人大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)意味深长地叙述道,“只要他们的父亲早点回来”。
观鸟电视:与地球上的野生动物亲密接触 II
在一个寒冷而偏远的岛屿上,一大群下颌带企鹅在一座活火山脚下安家。正如《地球二号》(BBC,2016 年)在电视上看到的那样,戏剧性的风景看起来既危险又令人生畏,但每天带下巴的父母必须冒险进入周围的水域,为他们的孩子收集食物。从超过一百万只企鹅中,电视摄像机最终将焦点缩小到一个家庭。爸爸外出打猎时,企鹅妈妈留在巢中,勇敢地保护两只小企鹅免受掠食者的袭击。但是小鸡需要食物。在特写镜头中,一只企鹅幼崽抬头看着它的母亲,脆弱而饥饿。“一切都会好起来的”,主持人大卫·阿滕伯勒(David Attenborough)意味深长地叙述道,“只要他们的父亲早点回来”。