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‘Clean, Fix, and Grant Splendor’: The Making of Diccionario de Autoridades
International Journal of Lexicography ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1093/ijl/ecab025
Ilan Stavans

Hailed as the foundation of modern Spanish-language lexicography, the Diccionario de Autoridades was developed over a period of thirteen years. While it is a window to appreciate the impact of Enlightenment ideas in Spain, it also showcases some of the country's most entrenched phobias, both within and throughout its colonies across the Atlantic. This essay looks at its planning, structure, and publication in political, cultural, and linguistic terms. It analyses its legacy over the Dicionario de la Lengua Española, which is the organ of the Real Academia Española and on other Spanish-language lexicons. And it compares it with the work of Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of the English Language and Noah Webster's An American Dictionary of the English Language. The xenophobic motto of the Real Academia Española, ‘Clean, Fix, and Grant Splendor’, long a subject of controversy, is the philosophy behind Autoridades.


“清洁、修复和授予光彩”:Diccionario de Autoridades 的制作

被誉为现代西班牙语词典编纂的基础的 Diccionario de Autoridades 历经 13 年的发展。虽然它是欣赏启蒙思想在西班牙影响的窗口,但它也展示了该国一些最根深蒂固的恐惧症,无论是在大西洋对岸的殖民地内部还是整个殖民地。本文从政治、文化和语言的角度审视其规划、结构和出版。它分析了它对西班牙皇家学院的管风琴 Dicionario de la Lengua Española 和其他西班牙语词典的遗产。并将其与塞缪尔·约翰逊的《英语词典》和诺亚·韦伯斯特的《美国英语词典》的作品进行了比较。Real Academia Española 的排外座右铭“清洁、修复、