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From Civil Conflict to Crusade: Mobilisation and National Identity in the Spanish Civil War
International Journal of Military History and Historiography ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 , DOI: 10.1163/24683302-bja10018
Mercedes Peñalba-Sotorrío 1

For decades after its conclusion, the Spanish Civil War (1936–39) was officially described by the newly imposed dictatorship as a Crusade. However, the appropriation of a mythologised medieval past was not just the product of post-war legitimisation. This article explores how, using “crusade” as a placeholder for Reconquista, the rebel army and its supporters responded to three distinct developments: a reaction to Republican anticlericalism; the imposition of a national identity in which Catholicism was understood as an essential element of Spanishness and the basis for its greatness; and a very practical need for popular mobilisation both at home and abroad. However, as this study demonstrates, the adoption of a crusading rhetoric and medieval mythology was a transnational development, in which distinct anti-Bolshevik campaigns, with origins in Rome and Spain, fed off each other and intersected, sometimes in intricate and hidden ways, within the increasingly polarised international context of the 1930s.



在结束后的几十年里,西班牙内战(1936-39 年)被新强加的独裁政权正式描述为十字军东征。然而,对神话般的中世纪过去的挪用不仅仅是战后合法化的产物。本文探讨了使用“十字军东征”作为 Reconquista 的占位符,叛军及其支持者如何应对三个不同的发展:对共和党反教权主义的反应;强加一种民族认同,其中天主教被理解为西班牙性的基本要素及其伟大的基础;以及国内外群众动员的现实需要。然而,正如这项研究表明的那样,采用十字军修辞和中世纪神话是一种跨国发展,其中不同的反布尔什维克运动,
