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We Will Remember That We Came Together in Protest and Mutual Aid
Theatre Survey ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-23 , DOI: 10.1017/s0040557421000314
Kate Bredeson 1

The year of COVID-19 social distancing is a reminder that people can and will gather in person in mass acts of resistance and community care, even in a pandemic. This year highlights how theatres, theatre skills, and theatrical techniques can be a key part of community building and dissent. The examples of the Twin Cities in summer 2020; Portland, Oregon, in 2020–1; and France in spring-summer 2021 showcase the potential for theatre artists to use their skills and spaces to support protest work. I highlight these three examples due to my personal connections (I am from the Twin Cities; live in Portland and serve as a legal observer during the Protests; and, in my scholarship, specialize in French theatre and protest), due to the scale of these actions, and in order to amplify the pandemic protest and performance work happening in these places. Together, the efforts of Twin Cities, Portland, and French activists and artists showcase how, against a backdrop of mourning and anxiety, the pandemic has been a time of invigoration in mass protest, mutual aid, and coming together to try to build better worlds.



COVID-19 社会疏远之年提醒人们,即使在大流行期间,人们也可以并且将亲自聚集在大规模的抵抗和社区关怀活动中。今年强调戏剧、戏剧技巧和戏剧技巧如何成为社区建设和异议的关键部分。2020年夏季双城的例子;俄勒冈州波特兰市,2020-1 年;和法国在 2021 年春夏展示了戏剧艺术家利用他们的技能和空间来支持抗议工作的潜力。由于我的个人关系,我强调了这三个例子(我来自双子城;住在波特兰,在抗议期间担任法律观察员;并且,在我的奖学金中,专门研究法国戏剧和抗议),由于这些行动,并为了扩大在这些地方发生的大流行抗议和表演工作。