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Mechanistic evaluation of flame retardants during UL94 standard testing via IR-camera
Polymer Testing ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2021.107320
Bianca Spieß 1 , Elke Metzsch-Zilligen 1 , Rudolf Pfaendner 1

An IR-camera is used for investigating flame retarding mode of actions during UL94 standard flammability test. Commonly used UL94 tests give qualitative results of burning behavior and are improved by taking temperature profiles with an IR-camera. Analysis of these profiles leads to new insights into the underlying mechanism of the flame retardant. Lower peak temperatures and faster cooling are a hint for a cooling mechanism. A shorter time range to reach the peak temperature is significant for dilution. Every flame retarding mode of action has its own specific influence on the temperature profile. Therefore, a more detailed conclusion of the flame retarding behavior of flame retardants can be obtained by the method described here.


UL94 标准测试过程中通过红外相机对阻燃剂的机理评估

在 UL94 标准可燃性测试期间,红外相机用于研究阻燃作用模式。常用的 UL94 测试给出燃烧行为的定性结果,并通过使用红外相机获取温度曲线进行改进。对这些概况的分析导致对阻燃剂的潜在机制有了新的认识。较低的峰值温度和较快的冷却是冷却机制的暗示。达到峰值温度的较短时间范围对于稀释很重要。每种阻燃作用模式对温度曲线都有其特定的影响。因此,通过此处描述的方法可以获得关于阻燃剂的阻燃行为的更详细的结论。
