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CCBD’s Position on Eliminating the Use of Seclusion in Educational Settings
Behavioral Disorders ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-20 , DOI: 10.1177/01987429211033548
Jennifer Freeman 1 , Reece Peterson 2 , Lee Kern 3 , Sarup R. Mathur 4 , Brian Barber 5 , Mara Power 1 , Madison Perea 4

This document provides recommendations of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) regarding the use of seclusion in schools. It updates the CCBD’s position on this topic first published in 2009 and includes (a) key definitions, (b) a summary of problems with the use of seclusion, (c) strategies to eliminate the use of seclusion, (d) a summary of law and policy related to seclusion, (e) a summary of research on seclusion, (f) a declaration of principles, and (g) recommendations regarding the elimination of seclusion in educational settings. A parallel document provides recommendations related to the use of physical restraint procedures in educational settings, which is often associated with the use of seclusion procedures.



本文件提供了行为障碍儿童委员会 (CCBD) 关于在学校使用隔离的建议。它更新了 CCBD 于 2009 年首次发布的关于该主题的立场,包括 (a) 关键定义,(b) 使用隔离的问题摘要,(c) 消除使用隔离的策略,(d) 概述与隔离有关的法律和政策,(e) 隔离研究摘要,(f) 原则宣言,以及 (g) 关于在教育环境中消除隔离的建议。一份平行文件提供了有关在教育环境中使用身体约束程序的建议,这通常与隔离程序的使用有关。
