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Who needs the help desk? Tackling one's own technological problem via self IT service
Information and Organization ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.infoandorg.2021.100367
Sam Zaza 1 , Iris Junglas 2 , Deborah J. Armstrong 3

Individuals are becoming more technologically savvy and self-sufficient, often transferring what they have learned in the personal realm of apps and chats into the organizational realm. Self information technology (IT) service, or an employees' attempts to solve their technological problem without first seeking the assistance of the IT department personnel, is a phenomenon that has been witnessed for a while but has not yet achieved sufficient theoretical scrutiny. Grounded in qualitative data collected from IT department personnel, an initial theory of self IT service is presented that denotes self IT service as a distinct concept with its own set of drivers and effects. Our study not only informs and expands existing conceptualizations of IT service, but also provides insights for researchers and organizations on how to harness the self IT service phenomenon for their advantage.



个人越来越精通技术和自给自足,经常将他们在个人应用程序和聊天领域中学到的知识转移到组织领域。自我信息技术 (IT) 服务,或员工在没有首先寻求 IT 部门人员帮助的情况下试图解决他们的技术问题,是一种已经见证了一段时间但尚未获得足够理论审查的现象。以从 IT 部门人员收集的定性数据为基础,提出了自助 IT 服务的初步理论,将自助 IT 服务表示为一个独特的概念,具有自己的一套驱动因素和效果。我们的研究不仅告知和扩展了 IT 服务的现有概念,
