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Molecular Valence Tautomeric Metal Complexes for Chemosensing
Inorganic Chemistry ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-17 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.1c01731
Max Mörtel 1 , Johannes Oschwald 2 , Andreas Scheurer 1 , Thomas Drewello 2 , Marat M Khusniyarov 1

Switchable valence tautomeric metal complexes have been long suggested for applications as chemosensors. However, no such molecular sensors have been yet reported. Here, we present a concept for sensing and the first prototype molecular sensor based on valence tautomeric cobalt-dioxolenes. A valence tautomeric cobalt-dioxolene complex [ls-CoIII(SQ)(Cat)(stypy)2] ⇄ [hs-CoII(SQ)2(stypy)2] 1 (ls = low spin, hs = high spin, Cat = 3,5-di-tert-butylcatecholate(2−), SQ = one-electron oxidized, benzosemiquinone(1−) form of Cat, stypy = trans-4-styrylpyridine) has been used as a molecular sensor. The lability of axial stypy ligands of 1 in solution allows us to exchange stypy ligands by dimethyl sulfoxide and simple pyridine analytes in a controllable way, which triggers colorimetric and magnetic responses.



长期以来,人们一直建议将可转换价互变异构金属配合物用作化学传感器。然而,尚未报道此类分子传感器。在这里,我们提出了一个传感概念和第一个基于价互变异构钴-二氧戊环的原型分子传感器。价互变异构钴-二氧戊环配合物 [ ls -Co III (SQ )(Cat)(stypy) 2 ] ⇄ [ hs -Co II (SQ ) 2 (stypy) 2 ] 1 ( ls = 低自旋,hs= 高自旋,Cat = 3,5-二叔丁基儿茶酚酸酯(2-),SQ = 单电子氧化,苯并半醌(1-)形式的 Cat,stypy =反式-4-苯乙烯基吡啶)已用作分子传感器。1的轴向样式配体在溶液中的不稳定性使我们能够以可控方式通过二甲基亚砜和简单的吡啶分析物交换样式配体,从而触发比色和磁响应。