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Profiles of Emotional Disturbance Across the Five Characteristics of the Federal Definition
Behavioral Disorders ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1177/01987429211033567
Matthew C. Lambert 1 , Antonis Katsiyannis 2 , Michael H. Epstein 1 , Douglas Cullinan 3 , Erkko Sointu 4

Ensuring the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to students qualified for services under the disability category of emotional disturbance (ED) has been both challenging and controversial. Examining this population in light of the five characteristics listed in the federal definition may provide useful insights to address needs and improve outcomes. The purpose of this study was to use latent class analysis to examine profiles across the five characteristics of the federal definition of ED for a sample of 491 students school-identified with ED. Key findings include that (a) students with ED comprise a heterogeneous group with distinct and qualitatively different subgroups; (b) latent classes representing the severe problems and the externalizing problems typologies tended to consist of younger students; (c) greater proportions of Black, Hispanic, and English-language learner students were found in the severe and externalizing latent classes; and (d) students in the externalizing and severe latent classes spent more time in special education classrooms and had worse ratings on social maladjustment. The findings highlight important implications for practice in regard to assessment, program differentiation, and preservice teacher training. Research limitations and directions for future research are also discussed.



确保向有资格获得情感障碍 (ED) 残疾类别服务的学生提供免费的适当公共教育 (FAPE) 既具有挑战性又存在争议。根据联邦定义中列出的五个特征检查这一人群可能会为解决需求和改善结果提供有用的见解。本研究的目的是使用潜在类别分析来检查联邦对 ED 定义的五个特征的概况,其中包括 491 名学校认定为 ED 的学生。主要发现包括:(a) ED 学生组成一个异质群体,具有不同且性质不同的子群体;(b) 代表严重问题和外化问题类型的潜在类往往由低年级学生组成;(c) 在严重和外化的潜在班级中发现了更大比例的黑人、西班牙裔和英语学习者;(d) 外化和严重潜伏班的学生在特殊教育课堂上花费的时间更多,对社会适应不良的评分更差。研究结果强调了在评估、项目差异化和职前教师培训方面对实践的重要影响。还讨论了研究的局限性和未来研究的方向。研究结果强调了在评估、项目差异化和职前教师培训方面对实践的重要影响。还讨论了研究的局限性和未来研究的方向。研究结果强调了在评估、项目差异化和职前教师培训方面对实践的重要影响。还讨论了研究的局限性和未来研究的方向。
