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Advances in Smoking Related In Vitro Inhalation Toxicology: A Perspective Case of Challenges and Opportunities from Progresses in Lung-on-Chip Technologies
Chemical Research in Toxicology ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-16 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.1c00219
Ajay Vikram Singh 1 , Romi Singh Maharjan 1 , Charlotte Kromer 1 , Peter Laux 1 , Andreas Luch 1 , Tanusri Vats 2 , Vaisali Chandrasekar 3 , Sarada Prasad Dakua 3 , Byung-Wook Park 4

The inhalation toxicology of multifaceted particulate matter from the environment, cigarette smoke, and e-cigarette liquid vapes is a major research topic concerning the adverse effect of these items on lung tissue. In vitro air–liquid interface (ALI) culture models hold more potential in an inhalation toxicity assessment. Apropos to e-cigarette toxicity, the multiflavor components of the vapes pose a complex experimental bottleneck. While an appropriate ALI setup has been one part of the focus to overcome this, parallel attention towards the development of an ideal exposure system has pushed the field forward. With the advent of microfluidic devices, lung-on-chip (LOC) technologies show enormous opportunities in in vitro smoke-related inhalation toxicity. In this review, we provide a framework, establish a paradigm about smoke-related inhalation toxicity testing in vitro, and give a brief overview of breathing LOC experimental design concepts. The capabilities with optimized bioengineering approaches and microfluidics and their fundamental pros and cons are presented with specific case studies. The LOC model can imitate the structural, functional, and mechanical properties of human alveolar-capillary interface and are more reliable than conventional in vitro models. Finally, we outline current perspective challenges as well as opportunities of future development to smoking lungs-on-chip technologies based on advances in soft robotics, machine learning, and bioengineering.



来自环境、香烟烟雾和电子烟液体的多方面颗粒物的吸入毒理学是关于这些物品对肺组织的不利影响的主要研究课题。体外气液界面 (ALI) 培养模型在吸入毒性评估中具有更大的潜力。关于电子烟的毒性,电子烟的多种口味成分构成了一个复杂的实验瓶颈。虽然适当的 ALI 设置是克服这一问题的重点之一,但对理想曝光系统的开发的平行关注推动了该领域的发展。随着微流体设备的出现,芯片肺 (LOC) 技术在体外烟雾相关吸入毒性方面显示出巨大的机会。在这次审查中,我们提供了一个框架,建立体外烟雾相关吸入毒性测试范式,并简要概述呼吸 LOC 实验设计概念。具体案例研究介绍了优化生物工程方法和微流体的能力及其基本优缺点。LOC模型可以模拟人肺泡毛细血管界面的结构、功能和力学特性,比传统的体外模型更可靠。最后,我们概述了基于软机器人、机器学习和生物工程进展的吸烟片上肺技术当前面临的挑战以及未来发展的机遇。具体案例研究介绍了优化生物工程方法和微流体的能力及其基本优缺点。LOC模型可以模拟人肺泡毛细血管界面的结构、功能和力学特性,比传统的体外模型更可靠。最后,我们概述了基于软机器人、机器学习和生物工程进展的吸烟片上肺技术当前面临的挑战以及未来发展的机遇。具体案例研究介绍了优化生物工程方法和微流体的能力及其基本优缺点。LOC模型可以模拟人肺泡毛细血管界面的结构、功能和力学特性,比传统的体外模型更可靠。最后,我们概述了基于软机器人、机器学习和生物工程进展的吸烟片上肺技术当前面临的挑战以及未来发展的机遇。