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Organocatalytic Synthesis of Polysulfonamides with Well-Defined Linear and Brush Architectures from a Designed/Synthesized Bis(N-sulfonyl aziridine)
Macromolecules ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-11 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.1c01193
Linlin Zhu 1 , Huishan Huang 1 , Ying Wang 1 , Zhen Zhang 1, 2 , Nikos Hadjichristidis 3

We report a new synthetic methodology for polysulfonamides with well-defined linear and brush architectures by organocatalytic polymerizations. A new monomer, bis(2,3-disubstituted N-sulfonyl aziridine), has been rationally designed/synthesized and used in step-growth polymerization with various bisnucleophiles (dicarboxylic acids, diphenols, and dithiols). The branches or cross-linkages derived from the ring-opening polymerization of N-sulfonyl aziridines are suppressed using this specific bis(aziridine) monomer, resulting in a well-controlled linear polysulfonamide architecture. The synthesized polysulfonamides emit blue fluorescence in solution and exhibit excellent thermal properties with decomposition temperature at 5% weight loss (Td,5%) up to 360.0 °C and glass-transition temperature (Tg) ranging from 62.5 to 199.2 °C. Furthermore, a fast one-pot cascade approach has been developed toward polysulfonamide brush copolymers with a well-controlled grafted chain length.



我们报告了一种通过有机催化聚合合成具有明确线性和刷状结构的聚磺酰胺的新方法。一种新的单体双(2,3-二取代N-磺酰基氮丙啶)已被合理设计/合成并用于与各种双亲核试剂(二羧酸、二酚和二硫醇)的逐步增长聚合。使用这种特定的双(氮丙啶)单体可以抑制N-磺酰基氮丙啶的开环聚合产生的支链或交联,从而形成良好控制的线性聚磺酰胺结构。合成的聚磺酰胺在溶液中发出蓝色荧光并表现出优异的热性能,分解温度为 5% 重量损失 ( T d,5%) 高达 360.0 °C,玻璃化转变温度 ( T g ) 范围从 62.5 到 199.2 °C。此外,已经针对具有良好控制的接枝链长度的聚磺酰胺刷共聚物开发了一种快速的一锅级联方法。