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A polyethersulfone composite ultrafiltration membrane with the in-situ generation of CdS nanoparticles for the effective removal of organic pollutants and photocatalytic self-cleaning
Journal of Membrane Science ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.memsci.2021.119715
Lei Chen 1 , Bo Yang 1 , Peng Zhou 1 , Tao Xu 1 , Chao He 1 , Yuanting Xu 1 , Weifeng Zhao 1 , Changsheng Zhao 1, 2, 3

Ultrafiltration membranes are usually used to remove organic pollutants. However, the organic contaminants trapped in the membrane pores and on the membrane surface would limit the reuse of membranes. In this study, polyacrylic acid grafted polyethersulfone membrane was prepared; CdS was then generated in-situ on the membrane surface by subsequently immersing the membrane in Cd2+ and S2− solutions to fabricate photocatalytic composite membranes. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray photonic energy spectroscopy revealed that the generated CdS were uniformly deposited on the surface of the membrane. The obtained membrane could effectively chemisorb rhodamine B (RhB) dye in dark, and show good photocatalytic degradation performance for RhB under visible irradiation. Meanwhile, the received membranes exhibited enhanced photocatalytic degradation performance compared with the membrane prepared by blending doping method, and displayed better removal performance (77.8 %) in the pH = 7 and low concentration (10 mg/L) RhB solution. Moreover, the degradation and removal ratio could still be stable at over 70 % after 3 cycles. In addition to degrading RhB, the composite membrane also exhibited good photocatalytic degradation for antibiotic organic pollutants. Then, free radical capture experiments showed that the photocatalytic degradation of the membrane was mainly derived from the superoxide anion free radicals. Besides, the prepared membrane also exhibited excellent RhB rejection and fast photocatalytic self-cleaning performances under visible light. Thereby, the photocatalytic composite membrane effectively solved the problem of the easy fouling of ultrafiltration membrane, and showed high potential applications in wastewater remediation.



超滤膜通常用于去除有机污染物。然而,截留在膜孔中和膜表面上的有机污染物会限制膜的再利用。本研究制备了聚丙烯酸接枝聚醚砜膜;然后通过随后将膜浸入 Cd 2+和 S 2- 中,在膜表面原位生成 CdS制备光催化复合膜的解决方案。扫描电子显微镜和 X 射线光子能谱显示生成的 CdS 均匀沉积在膜表面。所得膜在黑暗中可有效化学吸附罗丹明B(RhB)染料,在可见光下对RhB表现出良好的光催化降解性能。同时,与混合掺杂法制备的膜相比,所得到的膜表现出更强的光催化降解性能,并且在 pH = 7 和低浓度(10 mg/L)RhB 溶液中表现出更好的去除性能(77.8%)。此外,3次循环后降解去除率仍可稳定在70%以上。除了降解 RhB,该复合膜还对抗生素有机污染物表现出良好的光催化降解作用。然后,自由基捕获实验表明膜的光催化降解主要来自超氧阴离子自由基。此外,所制备的膜在可见光下还表现出优异的RhB截留率和快速的光催化自清洁性能。因此,该光催化复合膜有效地解决了超滤膜易结垢的问题,在废水修复中显示出广阔的应用前景。制备的膜在可见光下还表现出优异的 RhB 截留和快速光催化自清洁性能。因此,该光催化复合膜有效地解决了超滤膜易结垢的问题,在废水修复中显示出广阔的应用前景。制备的膜在可见光下还表现出优异的 RhB 截留和快速光催化自清洁性能。因此,该光催化复合膜有效地解决了超滤膜易结垢的问题,在废水修复中显示出广阔的应用前景。
