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Formal concept analysis for the generation of plural referring expressions
Information Sciences Pub Date : 2021-08-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2021.08.024
Nicolás Marín 1, 2 , Gustavo Rivas-Gervilla 1, 2 , M. Dolores Ruiz 1 , Daniel Sánchez 1, 2

Referring Expression Generation (REG) is one of the most relevant and complex tasks in Natural Language Generation. Plural referring expressions are linguistic expressions that intend to identify a set of objects in a certain context. In this paper we formulate for the first time plural referring expressions and the elements of the associated REG problem in terms of the well known Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) mathematical framework. We provide theoretical results and general algorithms for computing the whole collection of referable sets in the context under analysis, as well as a condensed representation of all referring expressions for each referable set.



引用表达式生成 (REG) 是自然语言生成中最相关和最复杂的任务之一。复数指称表达是意在识别特定上下文中的一组对象的语言表达。在本文中,我们根据众所周知的形式概念分析 (FCA) 数学框架首次制定了复数引用表达式和相关 REG 问题的元素。我们提供了理论结果和通用算法,用于在分析的上下文中计算可参考集的整个集合,以及每个可参考集的所有参考表达式浓缩表示。
