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Single-Cell Imaging of m6A-Modified RNA Using m6A-Specific In Situ Hybridization-Mediated Proximity Ligation Assay (m6AISH-PLA)
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-09 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202110138
Xiaojun Ren 1, 2 , Ruijie Deng 1 , Kaixiang Zhang 1 , Yupeng Sun 1 , Yue Li 1 , Jinghong Li 1

N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-modified RNA analysis is limited at the bulk-population level, thus not giving access to spatiotemporal and cell-to-cell variability information. In their Communication (DOI: 10.1002/anie.202109118), Jinghong Li et al. propose a powerful in situ imaging method termed m6A-specific in situ hybridization mediated proximity ligation assay (m6AISH-PLA), which enables the identification of m6A modifications at a specific location in RNAs and the imaging of m6A RNA with single-cell and single-molecule resolution.


使用 m6A 特异性原位杂交介导的邻近连接分析 (m6AISH-PLA) 对 m6A 修饰的 RNA 进行单细胞成像

N6-甲基腺苷 (m 6 A) 修饰的 RNA 分析仅限于群体水平,因此无法获得时空和细胞间变异性信息。在他们的通讯(DOI:10.1002/anie.202109118)中,Jinghong Li 等人。提出了一种强大的原位成像方法,称为 m 6 A 特异性原位杂交介导的邻近连接测定 (m 6 AISH-PLA),它能够识别RNA 中特定位置的 m 6 A 修饰和 m 6 A的成像具有单细胞和单分子分辨率的 RNA。