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Educational Outcomes of a Cohort of Children With Autism Who Received Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention
The Journal of Special Education ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1177/00224669211036397
Adele F. Dimian 1 , Jason J. Wolff 1 , Frank J. Symons 1

Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) can be effective for supporting skill acquisition among children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Few studies have followed children with ASD, who received EIBI, into schools. The purpose of this study was to investigate educational outcomes specific to instructional placement, standardized test proficiency, and special education eligibility under the ASD category for children who received EIBI. Medicaid records were utilized to create a cross-systems data set of 3- to 5-year-old children with ASD (n = 667). Most students were placed in general education and males and White students were more likely to receive special education services for ASD. Only half of the students participated in standardized testing and met proficiency standards. Implications for future research and advocacy for early intervention are discussed.



早期强化行为干预 (EIBI) 可有效支持自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 儿童的技能习得。很少有研究跟踪接受 EIBI 的 ASD 儿童进入学校。本研究的目的是调查接受 EIBI 的儿童在 ASD 类别下特定于教学安排、标准化考试能力和特殊教育资格的教育成果。医疗补助记录被用来创建 3 至 5 岁 ASD 儿童的跨系统数据集(n= 667)。大多数学生接受普通教育,男性和白人学生更有可能接受 ASD 的特殊教育服务。只有一半的学生参加了标准化考试并达到了熟练程度标准。讨论了对未来研究和早期干预倡导的影响。
