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Should covid vaccination be mandatory for health and care staff?
The BMJ ( IF 93.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-08-05 , DOI: 10.1136/bmj.n1903
Michael Parker 1 , Helen Bedford 2 , Michael Ussher 3 , Martine Stead 4

New English law will make vaccination a condition of employment for eligible care home workers, following similar moves in Italy, France, and Greece for healthcare staff. This is reasonable, argues Michael Parker , because care institutions have a duty to protect patients; but Helen Bedford , Michael Ussher , and Martine Stead worry that such a blunt approach is unnecessary and could be counterproductive Patient safety is ultimately the responsibility of health and social care institutions. With regard to employment practice, these institutions have a duty to employ only workers whose presence would not place patients at unnecessary risk. Frontline care roles should not be offered to people unwilling to be vaccinated against high risk infections. This applies not only to direct employment but also to contract and agency staff. The situation is less clear where existing staff are concerned, as employers have responsibilities not only for their patients but also to their staff. These include obligations of non-discrimination and ensuring reasonable working conditions. But healthcare staff, too, have responsibilities. They should, for example, be willing to modify their practice in the interest of patient safety. If hospital chefs refuse to comply with new safe food preparation guidance, they have no good reason to expect to continue to be employed. So too in frontline healthcare roles, staff are rightly required to modify their practice in the light of evidence about patient safety. ### Low risk from vaccination Where might vaccination against a new infectious disease fit into this? In terms of personal morality, the low risk from vaccination means that health workers whose unvaccinated status poses a risk to patients have an obligation to accept vaccination. They have what is sometimes referred to as a “duty of easy rescue.” Although covid-19 vaccines confer less than 100% protection and are available under emergency approvals, the evidence …



继意大利、法国和希腊对医护人员采取类似措施之后,新的英国法律将接种疫苗作为符合条件的养老院工作人员的就业条件。Michael Parker 认为这是合理的,因为护理机构有责任保护患者;但 Helen Bedford、Michael Ussher 和 Martine Stead 担心这种直率的做法是不必要的,可能会适得其反。患者安全最终是卫生和社会保健机构的责任。在就业实践方面,这些机构有责任只雇用不会使患者处于不必要风险的工作人员。不应向不愿接种高危感染疫苗的人提供一线护理角色。这不仅适用于直接雇佣,也适用于合同工和代理工。就现有员工而言,情况不太清楚,因为雇主不仅要对患者负责,还要对员工负责。其中包括不歧视的义务和确保合理的工作条件。但医护人员也有责任。例如,他们应该愿意为了患者安全而修改他们的做法。如果医院厨师拒绝遵守新的安全食品制备指南,他们就没有理由期望继续受雇。因此,在一线医疗保健角色中,工作人员也需要根据有关患者安全的证据来修改他们的做法。### 疫苗接种风险低 在个人道德方面,接种疫苗的低风险意味着未接种疫苗对患者构成风险的卫生工作者有义务接受疫苗接种。他们有时被称为“轻松救援的职责”。尽管 covid-19 疫苗提供的保护低于 100% 并且在紧急批准下可用,但证据……