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Ballistocardiogram: Mechanism and Potential for Unobtrusive Cardiovascular Health Monitoring.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-09 , DOI: 10.1038/srep31297
Chang-Sei Kim , Stephanie L. Ober , M. Sean McMurtry , Barry A. Finegan , Omer T. Inan , Ramakrishna Mukkamala , Jin-Oh Hahn

For more than a century, it has been known that the body recoils each time the heart ejects blood into the arteries. These subtle cardiogenic body movements have been measured with increasingly convenient ballistocardiography (BCG) instruments over the years. A typical BCG measurement shows several waves, most notably the "I", "J", and "K" waves. However, the mechanism for the genesis of these waves has remained elusive. We formulated a simple mathematical model of the BCG waveform. We showed that the model could predict the BCG waves as well as physiologic timings and amplitudes of the major waves. The validated model reveals that the principal mechanism for the genesis of the BCG waves is blood pressure gradients in the ascending and descending aorta. This new mechanistic insight may be exploited to allow BCG to realize its potential for unobtrusive monitoring and diagnosis of cardiovascular health and disease.



一个多世纪以来,众所周知,每次心脏将血液喷射到动脉中时,人体都会后坐。这些年来,这些微妙的心源性身体运动已经通过越来越方便的心动描记法(BCG)仪器进行了测量。典型的BCG测量显示了几个波,最显着的是“ I”,“ J”和“ K”波。但是,产生这些波的机理仍然难以捉摸。我们制定了BCG波形的简单数学模型。我们表明该模型可以预测BCG波以及主要波的生理时间和振幅。经过验证的模型表明,BCG波的产生的主要机制是升主动脉和降主动脉中的血压梯度。