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Spread of anthelmintic resistance in intestinal helminths of dogs and cats is currently less pronounced than in ruminants and horses – Yet it is of major concern
International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpddr.2021.07.003
Georg von Samson-Himmelstjerna 1 , Rc Andrew Thompson 2 , Jürgen Krücken 1 , Warwick Grant 3 , Dwight D Bowman 4 , Manuela Schnyder 5 , Peter Deplazes 5

Anthelmintic resistance (AR) has thus far only rarely been reported for intestinal helminths of dogs and cats, in contrast to parasites of livestock and horses. We highlight possible reasons for this striking and important discrepancy, including ecological, biological and genetic factors and/or intervention regimens of key intestinal helminths concerning both host groups. In view of the current knowledge related to the genetics, mechanisms and principles of AR development, we point at issues which in our view contribute to a comparatively lower risk of AR development in intestinal helminths of dogs and cats. Finally, we specify research needs and provide recommendations by which, based on the available information about AR in ruminant and equine helminths, the development of AR in dog and cat helminths may best be documented, prevented or at least postponed.



与家畜和马的寄生虫相比,迄今为止很少有关于狗和猫肠道蠕虫的抗蠕虫抗性 (AR) 的报道。我们强调了造成这种显着和重要差异的可能原因,包括生态、生物和遗传因素和/或与两个宿主群体有关的关键肠道蠕虫的干预方案。鉴于目前与 AR 发展的遗传学、机制和原理相关的知识,我们指出了我们认为有助于降低狗和猫肠道蠕虫的 AR 发展风险的问题。最后,我们指定研究需求并提供建议,根据有关反刍动物和马蠕虫中 AR 的可用信息,最好记录狗和猫蠕虫中 AR 的发展,
