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De Novo Sequencing of Antibody Light Chain Proteoforms from Patients with Multiple Myeloma
Analytical Chemistry ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01955
Mathieu Dupré 1 , Magalie Duchateau 1 , Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann 2 , Amelie Boquoi 3 , Christian Malosse 1 , Roland Fenk 3 , Rainer Haas 3 , Alexander K Buell 4 , Martial Rey 1 , Julia Chamot-Rooke 1

In multiple myeloma diseases, monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains (LCs) are abundantly produced, with, as a consequence in some cases, the formation of deposits affecting various organs, such as the kidney, while in other cases remaining soluble up to concentrations of several g·L–1 in plasma. The exact factors crucial for the solubility of LCs are poorly understood, but it can be hypothesized that their amino acid sequence plays an important role. Determining the precise sequences of patient-derived LCs is therefore highly desirable. We establish here a novel de novo sequencing workflow for patient-derived LCs, based on the combination of bottom-up and top-down proteomics without database search. PEAKS is used for the de novo sequencing of peptides that are further assembled into full length LC sequences using ALPS. Top-down proteomics provides the molecular masses of proteoforms and allows the exact determination of the amino acid sequence including all posttranslational modifications. This pipeline is then used for the complete de novo sequencing of LCs extracted from the urine of 10 patients with multiple myeloma. We show that for the bottom-up part, digestions with trypsin and Nepenthes digestive fluid are sufficient to produce overlapping peptides able to generate the best sequence candidates. Top-down proteomics is absolutely required to achieve 100% final sequence coverage and characterize clinical samples containing several LCs. Our work highlights an unexpected range of modifications.



在多发性骨髓瘤疾病中,会大量产生单克隆免疫球蛋白轻链 (LC),因此在某些情况下会形成影响各种器官(如肾脏)的沉积物,而在其他情况下,其浓度可达数克·L –1在血浆中。对 LC 溶解度至关重要的确切因素知之甚少,但可以假设它们的氨基酸序列起着重要作用。因此,非常需要确定患者来源的 LC 的精确序列。我们在此为患者来源的 LC建立了一种新颖的从头测序工作流程,该工作流程基于自下而上和自上而下蛋白质组学的组合,无需数据库搜索。PEAKS 用于从头使用 ALPS 对进一步组装成全长 LC 序列的肽进行测序。自上而下的蛋白质组学提供蛋白质型的分子量,并允许准确确定氨基酸序列,包括所有翻译后修饰。该管道随后用于对从 10 名多发性骨髓瘤患者的尿液中提取的 LC进行完整的从头测序。我们表明,对于自下而上的部分,用胰蛋白酶和猪笼草消化液消化足以产生能够产生最佳候选序列的重叠肽。自上而下的蛋白质组学是实现 100% 最终序列覆盖率和表征包含多个 LC 的临床样品的必要条件。我们的工作突出了意想不到的修改范围。