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Self-Assembly of Chiral Nematic-Like Films with Chiral Nanorods Directed by Chiral Molecules
Chemistry of Materials ( IF 7.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-22 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.1c01998
Tianwei Duan 1 , Jing Ai 2 , Yingying Duan 2 , Lu Han 2 , Shunai Che 1, 2

Chiral superstructures are ubiquitous in nature and display intriguing and elegant performances, which inspired us to realize multiscale chiral mesostructured inorganics. Here, we report cholic acid-induced anisotropic epitaxial growth of chiral CdSe/CdS nanorods (CCCNs) and their self-assembly into chiral nematic-like films (CNFs) via an evaporation-induced self-assembly route. Three levels of chirality exist in the CNFs assembled with CCCNs: a primary chiral distortion of the nanorod, a secondary chiral nematic-like phase in which layered nanobelts are stacked to form with a side-by-side arrangement of the CCCNs, and tertiary helical planks with stacking of the layered chiral nematic-like phase creating a banded spherulite structure. The CNFs exhibited excitonic absorption- and scattering-based optical activities and circularly polarized luminescence due to their hierarchical chirality.



手性上层结构在自然界中无处不在,表现出迷人而优雅的性能,这激发了我们实现多尺度手性介观结构无机物的灵感。在这里,我们组装自报告的手性的CdSe / CdS的纳米棒(CCCNs)和它们的胆酸诱导的各向异性外延生长成手性向列状薄膜(的CNF)经由蒸发诱导的自组装路线。与 CCCN 组装的 CNF 中存在三个级别的手性:纳米棒的初级手性畸变,二级手性向列样相,其中层状纳米带堆叠形成 CCCN 并排排列,以及三级螺旋具有层叠手性向列样相的木板形成带状球晶结构。由于其分级手性,CNF 表现出基于激子吸收和散射的光学活动和圆偏振发光。