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The skull from Florisbad: a paleoneurological report.
Journal of Anthropological Sciences ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-31 , DOI: 10.4436/jass.98014
Emiliano Bruner 1 , Marlize Lombard 2

The Florisbad fossil cranium was found in South Africa in 1932. Different authors proposed a taxonomic affinity with early Homo sapiens, Neandertals or late Homo heidelbergensis. Here, we review its neurocranial morphology, to supply an updated perspective on its paleoneurological features. The curvature of the frontal squama is definitely within modern human variation, although the anterior cranial fossa is very broad, comparable to that of the Neandertals. In contrast, the parietal lobe and the vascular networks are more similar to the morphology observed in more archaic human species, such as Homo heidelbergensis. The endocranial anatomy of the Florisbad skull displays a mosaic of derived and plesiomorphic features, which makes this fossil compatible with distinct phylogenetic scenarios. None of these traits are, however, strictly diagnostic in terms of taxonomy. This specimen is central to the question on the possible anagenetic evolution from Homo heidelbergensis sensu lato to modern humans.



弗洛里斯巴德化石头盖骨于 1932 年在南非被发现。不同的作者提出了与早期智人、尼安德特人或晚期海德堡人的分类学相似性。在这里,我们回顾了它的神经颅骨形态,以提供关于其古神经学特征的最新观点。尽管前颅窝非常宽阔,可与尼安德特人相媲美,但额鳞的曲率绝对在现代人的变异范围内。相比之下,顶叶和血管网络更类似于在更古老的人类物种(如海德堡人)中观察到的形态。弗洛里斯巴德头骨的颅内解剖显示出镶嵌的衍生特征和拟形特征,这使得该化石与不同的系统发育情景兼容。然而,这些特征都不是,严格按照分类法诊断。该标本是关于从海德堡感官人到现代人类可能的遗传进化问题的核心。