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Organic Preparations and Procedures International ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2000-08-01 , DOI: 10.1080/00304940009355938
Stephen W. Wright

10. H. J . M. Fenton, J. Chem. Soc.. 65, 899 ( 1894). I 1 . H. Minioun and I. Seree de Roch, Tetruhedron, 31,777 (1975). 12. a) R. L. Kidwall, M. Murphy, and S. D. Darling, Org Synth. Coll. Vol. 5 , 9 1 8 (1973); b) M. Seehan and D. J. Cram, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 91,3544 ( 1 969). 13. H. Hart,Acc. Chem. Res., 4, 337 (1971). 14. Recently copper and some other metallic nitrates supported on silica gel have been reported to be effective for the oxidation of alcohols and carbonyl compounds. a) T. Nishiguchi and F. Asano, Tetrtrhecirori Lett., 29,6265 (1988); b) T. Nishiguchi and F. Asano, J. Org. Chem., 54, IS31 (1989); c) P. K . Arora and L. M. Sayre, Tetrahedron Lett., 32, 1007 (1991). I S . G . A Olah, “FriedelCr@s Chemistry” , Wiley-Interscience, NY, 204, (1973). 16. D. R. Armstrong, C. Cameron and D. C. Nonhebel, J. Chem. SOC. Perkin Truns2., 581 (1983). 17. a) A. I. Vogel, “ Text book of Pructical Orgunic Chemistry ”, 41h Ed. Longman and New York 1986; b) J . Buckingham and S. M. Donghy, Dictionary of Organic Compounds. 5“‘ Ed., Chapman and Hall, New York. 1982. 18. H. M. Chawla and R. S. Mittal, Synthe.sis, 1, 70 (1985). 19. E. Baciocchi, C. Rol, and S. Mei, J. Org Chm., 43. 2919 (1978) and references cited therein.



10. H. J . M.芬顿,J.化学。社会.. 65, 899 ( 1894)。我 1。H. Minioun 和 I. Seree de Roch, Tetruhedron, 31,777 (1975)。12. a) RL Kidwall、M. Murphy 和 SD Darling,Org Synth。科尔。卷。5 , 9 1 8 (1973); b) M. Seehan 和 DJ Cram, J. Am。化学 社会学报,91,3544(1 969)。13. H. 哈特,ACC。化学 Res., 4, 337 (1971)。14. 最近有报道称,载于硅胶上的铜和其他一些金属硝酸盐可有效氧化醇类和羰基化合物。a) T. Nishiguchi 和 F. Asano, Tetrhecirori Lett., 29,6265 (1988);b) T. Nishiguchi 和 F. Asano, J. Org. 化学,54,IS31(1989);c) P.K. Arora 和 LM Sayre, Tetrahedron Lett., 32, 1007 (1991)。是 。G 。A Olah,“FriedelCr@s Chemistry”,Wiley-Interscience,纽约,204,(1973 年)。16. DR Armstrong、C. Cameron 和 DC Nonhebel、J. Chem。SOC。Perkin Truns2., 581 (1983)。17. a) AI Vogel,“实用有机化学教科书”,第 41 版。朗文和纽约 1986;b) J。Buckingham 和 SM Donghy,有机化合物词典。5“' Ed.,查普曼和霍尔,纽约。1982. 18. HM Chawla 和 RS Mittal, Synthe.sis, 1, 70 (1985)。19. E. Baciocchi, C. Rol 和 S. Mei, J. Org Chm., 43. 2919 (1978) 以及其中引用的参考文献。