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‘Who wants a BlackBerry these days?’ Serialized new media and its trash
Screen ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-07-16 , DOI: 10.1093/screen/hjab018
Jennifer Blaylock

‘Some money miss road guy.I doubt if I alone can drain hs wallet.need help urgently.’ So reads a text that Damisa sends to ask six of her college friends to come and join her on her date. A close-up of her BlackBerry fills the screen as we watch her cherry-red painted nails tap out the message and hit send. She continues to text for a minute, laughing now and then, before her bored date chides her for texting on her phone. Unlike the date, the audience is aware of the exchange happening on the BlackBerry through a sequence of four extreme close-ups of the phone, cut between establishing shots of the couple at a white-tablecloth restaurant, and medium close-ups of Damisa, completely engrossed, and of her ignored date’s growing exasperation. ‘Help is on ur way in a jiffy.we’re r u?’ The BlackBerry’s small screen again dominates the frame as Damisa types her response, ‘Crystal Prawns’. Throughout Ubong Bassey Nya’s three-part Nigerian film serial BlackBerry Babes (2011–12), BlackBerry phones share a leading role with the Nigerian stars who play the women who flaunt them as status symbols around a university campus. The series not only shows the content of the many texts between characters in extreme close-up, it also lingers on the phones long enough to show audiences the BlackBerry menu interface and its basic functionality. The technology is so central to the film that plot points appear to be a series of infomercials about what you can, or should not, do with a BlackBerry, with the ‘Babes’ as smartphone demonstrators. When Damisa’s date asks her to order some food so that they can at least eat while she texts, she condescendingly explains to her technologically inept companion that she is not texting, but instead using her BlackBerry to connect to the internet, a feature of BlackBerrys of which he is ignorant. ‘What it is called’, she informs him, ‘is modern technology’.


“现在谁想要黑莓?” 连载新媒体及其垃圾

“路人小姐有点钱。我怀疑我一个人是否可以耗尽她的钱包。紧急需要帮助。” 阅读 Damisa 发送的一条短信,邀请她的六个大学朋友来参加她的约会。当我们看到她涂成樱桃红色的指甲敲出消息并点击发送时,她黑莓的特写镜头充满了屏幕。她继续发短信一分钟,不时大笑,然后她无聊的约会对象责备她在手机上发短信。与约会不同的是,观众通过一系列手机的四个极端特写镜头了解黑莓手机上发生的交流,在白桌布餐厅拍摄这对夫妇的镜头和 Damisa 的中特写镜头之间切换,完全全神贯注,以及她被忽视的约会对象越来越恼怒。'帮助很快就到了。我们是吗?黑莓的小屏幕再次占据了画面,Damisa 输入了她的回答“水晶虾”。贯穿 Ubong Bassey Nya 的三部分尼日利亚电影系列黑莓宝贝(2011-12),黑莓手机与尼日利亚明星扮演主角,她们扮演在大学校园里炫耀自己作为身份象征的女性。该系列不仅以极端特写的方式展示了人物之间的众多文字内容,而且在手机上停留的时间也足够长,向观众展示了黑莓菜单界面及其基本功能。这项技术对这部电影来说非常重要,以至于情节似乎是一系列关于你可以或不应该用黑莓做什么的商业广告,“宝贝”是智能手机的演示者。当 Damisa 的约会对象要求她点一些食物,这样他们至少可以在她发短信的时候吃东西,她居高临下地向她技术上无能的同伴解释说她不是在发短信,而是使用她的黑莓连接到互联网,黑莓的一个特性,他对此一无所知。“它叫什么”,她告诉他,“是现代技术”。